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[answered] Limit sms per modem

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Author Post
Sep 2010
Location: Braga, Portugal

Can I limit the number of sms than can be send by a modem in a given time (for example 1.000 week) ?

I found the message_limit and message_count_clear on the documentation, but the documentation is not clear if the clear is done X minutes after the message_limit is reached or every X minutes.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Hmmm..., "X minutes after the limit is reached" will make no sense. Smsd could send 1000 messages in one and half weeks, and then wait one week... No, that's not how it works. ;)

The counter is cleared on every X minutes (and when smsd is restarted). With message_count_clear = 10080 the time is one week.

Note, that when the limit is reached, messages will stay in the spooler, and they are sent when there is limit available later.

Sep 2010
Location: Braga, Portugal
Topic owner
Great, is exactly the way I wanted it to be.


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