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[answered] Suggested Hardware (USB MODEM)

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Author Post
Oct 2009
Location: Italy
Operating system name and version:
Version of smsd:
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...

Hello to all!
I'm planning to create a monitoring system with 8 servers.
It's time to add sms interface to send alerts. Also I've to purchase 8 sms modem with USB interface to connect to CentOS (64bit) servers.
Can someone suggest me a good, not so expensive modem to use with smstools3?
I'm still smstools3 user on another monitoring system. It works perfectly! :-)

Thank you!


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Visit this link:

and this topic: GSM Modem BenQ M32 from Dealextreme.

Oct 2009
Location: Italy
Topic owner
Thank you for answer.
My only doubt is about the antenna. I've to install these servers into different Datacenters. Would be great if I could use an external antenna in addiction. I cannot understood on the site if the device can add external antenna.
Or other suggestions as well ;)



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
BenQ is cheap, but does not have possibility for external antenna.

Also notice, that all Datacenters do not have GSM coverage at all, and then external antenna will not help.

Modems with external antennas are not very cheap, but of course you want well working system instead of low price. I cannot recommend any exact model, but devices based on Wavecom chip are usually good.

Oct 2009
Location: Italy
Topic owner
Thank you for the answer.
Well, I work in a datacenter, this is the reason why I know I need an external antenna. For us is enough to have a good signal.

Thank you for the suggestions.



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