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[changed in 3.1.5] Signal Strenght is not show in the log

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Author Post
May 2009
Location: Italy
Hi Keke,
i put in smsd.con this init2 = AT+CSQ.
Restarted smsd 3.1.5b9

here is the log:

As you can see the eignal strenght is not converted in decibel.

Another couple of thing:

1) as I wrote in another post, signal strenght is very useful, and could be more useful if included in lower loglevel than 7. For example 6 or 5.

2) would be also better to include the signal strenght to the status file as we spoked in this post. In this way with nagios i can monitor this file and understand if modem is OK and signal strenght is strong enought.


« Last edit by marcolino7 on Mon May 18, 2009 21:54, 184 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
3.1.5b9 does not have this feature, next release will have it.

If you want it right now, edit the modeminit.c:

I check that status file later.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
View the version history of 3.1.5 (published today), I think that status file is pretty good now... ;)

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