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[answered] How to set up a device to only receive

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Author Post
Oct 2010
Location: Jessheim, Norway
Operating system name and version: Gentoo (unknown version)
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: 2x Cinterion MC35i + 1x ETM9300-1
Interface: sockets via Moxa 6150


I have had your server running for a few months now as a SMS-Server for sending passwords for user logging in to a wireless hotspot using the two Cinterion modems. We are planning to add a few new features for some of our customers (password reset via SMS for example). For this we are thinking of setting up the ETM modem as a dedicated reciever.

In this regard I have a couple of questions.

1. I have read the config-files up and down several times, but I can't seem to find a setting for how often the modem is checked for new messages. How to I set this in the config? Is it possible to check new messages without sending? Only documentation I can find states that new messages are check either before or after sending, and that it checks for new messages to send in the spooler directory. If there are noe files, it sleeps again. Is this correct?

2. Will I be able to use the keep_open = no setting with this configuration? Reason is when the Moxa-box is reset the servers deviceprocesses crashes since it cuts the open tunnelt throught the box. It works well for sending, but I'm worried about not being able to detect incomming SMS without an open connection.

3. What kind of load does an interval of 1-3 seconds between checking for new SMS have on the server? As mentioned above, I have only 3 devices to run, two are dedicates senders, and one will be dedicated receiver. The server it self does nothing else except running as a LAMP-server as well, where we only use an URL2SMS variant via https. MySQL does nothing in this scenario, and probably won't for a while either.

Hope you can help!

PS! I want to thank you for your excellent work with this server, it is a really powerful tool, and when the MySQL integration comes for spooling, it will be almost unrivaled :mrgreen:

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
hakash wrote
1. I have read the config-files up and down several times, but I can't seem to find a setting for how often the modem is checked for new messages. How to I set this in the config?

There is a global setting delaytime for this. It defines number of seconds to sleep when smsd has nothing to do. This setting defaults to 10 seconds. When a modem process is sleeping, it will continue immediately when a new outgoing message is spooled.

hakash wrote
Is it possible to check new messages without sending? Only documentation I can find states that new messages are check either before or after sending, and that it checks for new messages to send in the spooler directory. If there are noe files, it sleeps again. Is this correct?

It's correct. In your setup you could define queues. One queue for those two modems which are sending messages, and one for that which usually does not send anything:


# Check for incoming messages every three seconds:
delaytime = 3

# Mainprocess could check for new outgoing messages more often:
delaytime_mainprocess = 1

CINTERION = /var/spool/sms/Q-CINTERION
ETM = /var/spool/sms/Q-ETM

CINTERION = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,s
ETM = 0

queues = CINTERION

queues = CINTERION

queues = ETM
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Any SMS will match to the first provider and is spooled to the CINTERION queue. If for some reason it is wanted that ETM will send the SMS, a header Provider: ETM will select the queue.

hakash wrote
2. Will I be able to use the keep_open = no setting with this configuration? Reason is when the Moxa-box is reset the servers deviceprocesses crashes since it cuts the open tunnelt throught the box. It works well for sending, but I'm worried about not being able to detect incomming SMS without an open connection.

You can use keep_open = no. A port is opened every time when checking for incoming messages, and it's closed when smsd is sleeping. That option was originally created for network connections, which may break and require re-opening.

hakash wrote
3. What kind of load does an interval of 1-3 seconds between checking for new SMS have on the server? As mentioned above, I have only 3 devices to run, two are dedicates senders, and one will be dedicated receiver. The server it self does nothing else except running as a LAMP-server as well, where we only use an URL2SMS variant via https. MySQL does nothing in this scenario, and probably won't for a while either.

1-3 seconds with several modems does not cause any remarkable load.

hakash wrote
PS! I want to thank you for your excellent work with this server, it is a really powerful tool, and when the MySQL integration comes for spooling, it will be almost unrivaled :mrgreen:

Thank's 8) Currently I do not know when 3.2 with SQL integration will be released. Anyway, not very soon...

Oct 2010
Location: Jessheim, Norway
Topic owner
Thank you so much for that fast reply!

I have obviously misunderstood exactly how the server goes throught its checklist of what to do. I understood it so that the delaytime was for checking the outgoing folder for new items. :oops:

Now I understand the flow of the application a bit better. Thank you again!


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