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[answered] init and blacklist whitelist

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Author Post
May 2010
Location: United Kingdom
Operating system name and version: debian
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: wavecom fastrack
Interface: USB

Hi keke or maybe anyone have optimum init configuration for wavecom modem (1306A)? my config I just left empty (no init) and it work but maybe there's addition init that needed..

second, about blacklist and whitelist.. which file do I have to set if my modem only accept number with begin suppose '44123' (international format) and denied other..


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
kendokar wrote
Hi keke or maybe anyone have optimum init configuration for wavecom modem (1306A)? my config I just left empty (no init) and it work but maybe there's addition init that needed..

In many cases init string is not required. Usually it's used to select the memory which is used to store messages, and the way how status reports are handled by the modem. If you can run smsd without init string, you save about 300 - 500 milliseconds each time when the modem is initialized.

kendokar wrote
second, about blacklist and whitelist.. which file do I have to set if my modem only accept number with begin suppose '44123' (international format) and denied other..

Blacklist and whitelist are for outgoing messages only. You cannot deny some numbers by the modem, but with eventhandler you can select which messages are handled and which messages are ignored.

See this topic [answered] How to prevent receiving SMS from certain number for sample eventhandlers.

May 2010
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
completely understod keke, thank for you help..

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