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[answered] How can I read modem status`?

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Author Post
May 2009
Location: Hinnerup, Denmark
Operating system name and version: W2k8 and Cygwin
Version of smsd: 3.1.6
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Siemens MC35
Interface: Serial using RS232-to-IP Server

I can read about the shared memory module for unix, but i dont know how to install it in my cygwin.

And how to i setup status/statistic file ?

I whant to be able to read the modem status on an asp page.

Best Regards

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
On Cygwin you need to install shared memory allocation from sources.

Download the package OSSP mm from

Extract it to /usr/local/src.

In the package there is a file named INSTALL. Follow those instructions. For ./configure you can give --prefix=/usr argument.

After compilation and installation is successfully done, you can enable statistics in the Makefile of smsd and recompile with make clean smsd.

In the smsd.conf, define a global settings:

stats_interval = 0
stats = /var/spool/sms/stats

Create this directory and make it writable for smsd.

After restarting smsd, you should have a file /var/spool/sms/stats/status.

May 2009
Location: Hinnerup, Denmark
Topic owner
Hi Keke

I have now followed your guide above, but my make clean smsd makes this error.

Unfortunately this error still occurs in the smsd.log

I ran make test with no errors.

Thans so mutch for your support, u are awesome.
Best regards
WolfieDK :D

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I forgot to say that with smsd you need to be in the src directory.

Makefile in this directory should be edited:

and after this run make clean smsd.

Also, a new smsd should be copied to the directory of executables:

cp -p smsd `which smsd`

May 2009
Location: Hinnerup, Denmark
Topic owner
Hi Keke!

YOU ARE REALY THE MAN!!! ... now it works too, thank you so mutch.

I only forgot to be in the /smstools3/src directory before I run the make clean smsd ... :'( sorry, my mistake.

 I will ask my boss to make a donation to you because you are so awesome .

Best regards

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