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[outdated] limiting amount sms for mobile

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Author Post
Oct 2010
Location: fortaleza/ceara, Brazil
Operating system name and version: Centos 5
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: rhel 5
Name and model of a modem / phone: nokia 6120
Interface: /dev/ttyACM0

I have two phones registered to receive sms, however smstools sends "6" sms to the first cell and "3" for the second mobile sms.
How to limit the amount of sms to send only "2" for each sms mobile?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I think that I did not understand your question, sorry :(.

You have smstools running with one modem, and you have two phones which will receive messages? Those phones are "registered to receive sms", but smstools does not have that kind of a functionality. Perhaps you meant that you have whitelisted those numbers? But whitelisting does not count how much messages are sent.

SMS will be sent to the number which is presented in the message file. If you want that no more than 2 SMS is sent to each phone, you should not create more than 2 message files. If you have some front-end application which will create files, that application should take care about the number of messages.

Maybe you could explain your issue a bit more detail...

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