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[answered] Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'smsd'

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Author Post
Jul 2010
Location: Moscow, Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: Fedora 12
Version of smsd: smstools-3.1.3-7.fc12.i686
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E620 USB Modem
Interface: USB

I'm trying to use mysmsd script to store all events in a MySQL database. I created the following script (as keke suggested in this post):

I made it executable:

And added eventhandler to /etc/smsd.conf:

However it doesn't work as expected :'(
It saves nothing into the database and when I try to run it manually it responds with this message:

What's wrong with it? Or is it just me?


Jul 2010
Location: Moscow, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Forgot to mention that user smsd is created and granted all necessary permissions onto smsd DB.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You could re-check everything, including the name of DB.

However, as the error is "user ''@'localhost'" instead of "user 'smsd'@'localhost'", your MySQL installation probably is broken and re-installation is required.

Have you tried the eventhandler with root account for MySQL?

With a quick view I cannot see what is causing the failure :(

Jul 2010
Location: Moscow, Russian Federation
Topic owner
keke wrote
...your MySQL installation probably is broken and re-installation is required.

Perkele! What a windoze approach it is!
keke wrote
Have you tried the eventhandler with root account for MySQL?

Yep, I did. It works flawlessly.
keke wrote
With a quick view I cannot see what is causing the failure :(

Anyway, thanks for the help keke! Your replies are quick and meaningful and your software rocks!


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
With any combination of incorrect username, incorrect password, missing user and missing permissions I did not get the similar error message than you got. I always got username in the message. Because in your case the username is not shown, you could try googling with  "Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database" . Include quotation marks in the search. Lot of results are found, but with fast viewing I did not find any simple or universal solution. Hopefully you have better luck...

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