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[answered] retrieving service status

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Mar 2010
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
hi, i was wondering if it's possible to get service status via simple command?
i will use it for service status notification in my program (which is using smstools)

that service status contains:
- service status
- modem status


ps: is there any eventhandler for that?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Since the version 3.1.5 the following feature is available:

"Version history" wrote
New global setting: status_interval = number.
Default value: 1.
If statistics function is enabled and stats directory is defined, smsd writes file named status into this directory. The file contains status of all modems in the first line using Status: header (this is similar than smsd -s outputs to console) and explained status in the next lines using modem's name as a header. Smsd writes status file every status_interval seconds if a status has changed. Value 0 disables this feature.

For example, the output is like:
Status:     09-05-27 20:46:17, irir------------
SONERA: 09-05-27 20:46:09, Idle, 123, 0, 321, ssi: -63 dBm, ber: < 0.2 %
ELISA: 09-05-27 20:46:12, Receiving, 234, 0, 432, ssi: -73 dBm, ber: < 0.2 %
DNA: 09-05-27 20:46:06, Idle, 456, 0, 543, ssi: -77 dBm, ber: < 0.2 %
SAUNALAHTI: 09-05-27 20:46:14, Receiving, 678, 0, 654, ssi: -69 dBm, ber: < 0.2 %
Timestamp value tells when status is created or modem initialization was last started.

Status can be: (s) Sending, (r) Receiving, (i) Idle, (b) Blocked, (t) Trouble, (-) Unknown. Trouble -status means that something abnormal has happened and if smart_logging is in use, trouble log will be written.

Counters are: sent, failed, received. Sent counter is the value from stats/<modemname>.counter file. Smsd does not clear this value. Failed and received counters are from original statistics data and they are cleared each time when stats are stored (stats_interval), or smsd is restarted.

Can your application use this file?

Mar 2010
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Topic owner
when i tried to define this configuration in smsd.conf, it can be saved without error and i had already defined a "stats" config to certain directory. But in this directory i only found counter status and stat.tmp which is unreadable. so i tried to run "smsd -s" command and it gave result "Status monitor is not included in this compilation." so i assume that i haven't install status monitor yet... how could i do it?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Statistics function is disabled by default. You need to install the OSSP mm Shared Memory Library, also called mm or libmm. Then you need to enable this feature in src/Makefile and recompile the source code:

# Comment this out, to enable statistics

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