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[solved] No incoming SMS but Sms sending is ok

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Author Post
Oct 2010
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 9.10
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E620 USB Modem
Interface: USB

Hi ,
I am able to send SMS Using playsms . But no SMS incoming at server .

here is my smsd conf and logs



SMS sending log

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You have three messages in the SIM card. Because you have used init = AT+CPMS="ME", smsd tries to read messages from Mobile Equipment memory, which is empty.

First change the init string to AT+CPMS="SM". Then restart smsd and it will read your messages.

When using SM (SIM) memory, there are 40 slots available. Usually this is enough, but if you want to you can use the ME memory which has 255 slots. In this case you need to use the init string AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME". All three values are required because each of them defines different storage:


<mem1>: storage used for reading and deleting
<mem2>: storage used for writing and sending
<mem3>: storage used for storing the received message

Oct 2010
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Topic owner
Hi Keke ,

Many thanks , I have followed your instructions .
Its working .

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