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[answered] IRZ GSM modem ES90i 3G (Siemens MC75)

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Author Post
Sep 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Is there any success stories using SmsTools with
"IRZ GSM modem ES90i (3G)" based on Siemens MC75 module ?

Thank you)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
That chip is mentioned in one post ([fixed in 3.1.7] Why? I am got +CME ERROR: 3). I assume that at least basic functionality works well. If phonecalls are handled, it requires a setting phonecalls_purge = yes.

Sep 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Thank you, it seems I'll buy this device. Hope 3G-device will send SMS faster

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
beremour wrote
Hope 3G-device will send SMS faster

I think that there is no difference. With 3G devices SMS over GSM (6 - 10 SMS per minute) is still used, not SMS over GPRS (about 30 SMS per minute), if this is what you are expecting. SMS uses the signaling channel in GSM network, which is relatively slow.

Sep 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
My iPhone3GS in 3G mode sends SMS pretty faster (accoding to send progress indication bar) then without 3G. You predict 3G modem will not behave that way?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
If SMS over GPRS really is supported in your GSM network, it may be useable with SMSTools3 too. You may need a command init = AT+CGSMS=2 in modem settings. However, network connection must be activated by some other software than SMSTools3. If you are simultaneously using your device for networking, connection is not a problem.

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