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[answered] Disabling Dial-Retries

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Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Maybe I missed to find it in the 'docu'?
Seems to be that tools will do retries on send failures:
2010-11-15 15:52:57,3, GSMLAN1: The modem answer was not OK: +CMS ERROR: 21+CMTI: "SM",20 (Short message transfer rejected)
2010-11-15 15:52:57,5, GSMLAN1: Waiting 10 sec. before retrying
If we submit bulk sms most of such reject will mean that the used SMS will not accept SMS, so retries are not needed.
Is it possible to disable such retries?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The next version 3.1.15 will have a modem setting send_retries and also a header "Retries: 0" in the SMS file.

While waiting this version to be released, you could change the code manually. Edit the file smsd.c and search retries=0;

There is a single occurrence:

    while (1)
      // Send modem command
      // 3.1.5: initial timeout changed 1 --> 2 and for PDU 6 --> 12.
      put_command(command, answer, sizeof(answer), 2, "(>)|(ERROR)");
'c' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Change it to  retries=2;  and save and recompile.

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Thanks, I'll try it.
Only have to find a time-window for stopping the server :-)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Restarting smsd is not a big thing, if you at the same time have lot of retries which should not be done...

However, because you did not tell which version of smsd you are currently using, the change in code the causes this message to the log:

"Sending SMS to nnn failed, trying time n sec. Retries: 2."

But of course the sending was not retried twice...

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
oops, I'm so sorry, using the current one :-)

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