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[answered] hardware for more sim cards

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Author Post
May 2009
hello first =)

do you know a good hardware for managing about 30-60 simcards with AT commands or the sms tools?

May 2009
Location: Germany
Hi Izaak,

i recommend to use singel modems and note one big hardware.
it's much cheaper to use singel modems and use the smstools3 this is the best solution.

i have one server with 30 sim-cards and smstools3. it works very good!!!

Thank you to Keke!!! :)

izaak, were are you from? is the traffic for sending huge?

May 2009
Topic owner
30 single modems are cheaper do you think?
but it have to be usb or how do i connect them.

im from germany and the sims are only used for receiving sms not for sending!

can you please tell me, what modems do you use?

May 2009
Location: Germany
right, it's 30 singel modems and it's much cheaper then to buy whole case, there are not so good, i tested a lot of hardware!
yes, i connect them all over USB and it works very good!

there is no name on this modem, but it use wavecome module.
please contact me in icq 156687715 and then i can help you maybe.

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