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SmsTools working together with 3G network connection on one modem

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Author Post
Oct 2009
Location: Latvia
Is the subject possible/real?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Typically 3G modem can send and receive SMS at the same time when network connection is active. It depends on the modem if it (and it's driver) provides an interface which can be used by SMSTools.

For example Huawei E1552 on Windows 7:

- It provides the modem port ( COM8 ), Application Interface ( COM7 ) and PC UI Interface ( COM6 ).

- If 3G network connection is created by the Windows networking, PC UI Interface is free and can be used by the SMSTools. Sending and receiving SMS works fine, and does not break 3G connection.

- If 3G network connection is created by the Mobile Partner application, this application reserves the PC UI Interface and SMSTools cannot use it at the same time.

If a modem provides only single port, it typically blocks the SMS usage. In this case some multiplexer might be useable, but it depends on the modem and operating system. See this posting, there was gsmmux used with GPRS modem: [solved] SMS usage at the same time when the GPRS connection is active (post #6).

Oct 2009
Location: Latvia
Topic owner
Thanks for your links!

I shortly tested my current configuration and as I see there is only one serial port in system for my Huawei E1752.
But I as I have time and the second modem I'll test that multiplexer & report.

Oct 2013
Location: Sarov, Russian Federation

Is there any update on this topic? Have you tried?


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