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[answered] Refreshing

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Author Post
Dec 2010
Location: Philippines
Operating system name and version: ubuntu 10.10
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: MTK1/2 - TORQUE
Interface: USB

Hi to all GEEks,

Why do I need to refresh my browser in playsms ( just to get the status of incoming and outgoing SMS.

* All system OK
* All Installation OK
* when receiving SMS pool directory is zero
* when sending SMS pool directory is Zero
On Outgoing - Phone received text
When I sent message to server - OK as sent

I checked server - all incoming and outgoing are ok -
at playsms - I need to refresh my browser to get the status (Unhandled and Sent)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
jonas wrote
Why do I need to refresh my browser in playsms ( just to get the status of incoming and outgoing SMS.

I think that playsms is just intended to act that way. It does not poll directories within any interval, and therefore manual action is required.

Dec 2010
Location: Philippines
Topic owner
Hi Again,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

I hope playsms will include this on their next patches.

Regards ;)

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