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[answered] Error About Whitelist

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Author Post
Nov 2010
Location: Sindh, Pakistan

I installed SMSTOOLS3 on SUSE LINUX 10. application running fine.

Now i want to enable whitelist, i define whitelist in /etc/smsd.conf

whitlelist = /var/log/sms/whitelist

but when i restart the service, it gives me error :

Starting SMS Daemon: There was 1 error while reading the config file:
- Unknown setting for modem GSM1: whitlelist
There was 1 major problem found.
Cannot start. See the log file for details.
smsd failed.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
It's a global setting, not a modem setting because whitelisting is used when messages are spooled.

Also check the spelling.

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