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[answered] SMS per minute with Benq Modem

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Author Post
Aug 2009
Location: Mexico DF, Mexico
Hello, how are you? i need to know what is the maximum SMS per modem and minute for smsd,
im working with Benq modems. I need to send simple text sms 160 chars.

Can anybody tell me a few tips for config file, or init string to do more faster the SMS send?

Happy new year!

Thank in advance

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The speed of sending depends on the GSM network.

With loglevel 7, send some SMS and check from the log how much time is spent to do other actions than actual sending. For example, if SMSC is stored in the SIM, there is no need to set it every time when modem is initialized. However, removing this setting does not save very much time.

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