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[answered] Translation Table

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Malaysia
Operating system name and version: CentOS 4.8
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Wavecom
Interface: serial

Sometimes I got this message in the log. What does it means and how do I go about updating the translation tables ? Please help.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
It's a Tab character which is not available in GSM alphabet and is therefore removed.

In the file charset.c there is a table for optical replacements. Currently it does not contain Tab, but the next version will handle it. Insert the highlighted line:

// This table is used for outgoing (to GSM) conversion only:

char iso_8859_15_chars[] =
        0x09, 0x20, // TAB --> SPACE
        0x60, 0x27, // GRAVE ACCENT --> APOSTROPHE
        0xA0, 0x20, // NO-BREAK SPACE --> SPACE
        0xA2, 0x63, // CENT SIGN --> c
'c' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Apr 2010
Location: Malaysia
Topic owner
So I just need to add that line, recompile and install ?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
almangkok wrote
So I just need to add that line, recompile and install ?

Yes. In smstools3/src directory run make and replace executable with cp -p smsd $(which smsd)

May 2009
Location: Hinnerup, Denmark
Hi Keke.

What about this error? i realy dont need the sign to be sendt in an sms, but i whant sms3 tools to filter it with a space.

2011-01-12 09:44:04,5, GSM1: Cannot convert 74. character ▒ 0xFFFFFF80 to GSM, you might need to update the translation tables.
2011-01-12 09:44:04,5, GSM1: Cannot convert 80. character ▒ 0xFFFFFF80 to GSM, you might need to update the translation tables.

Is it possible "just" to insert

and then
In smstools3/src directory run make and replace executable with cp -p smsd $(which smsd)

Best regards

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
WolfieDK wrote
Is it possible "just" to insert

and then
In smstools3/src directory run make and replace executable with cp -p smsd $(which smsd)

Yes, but define it as 8bit chararcer:

// This table is used for outgoing (to GSM) conversion only:

char iso_8859_15_chars[] = {
  0x80, 0x20,                   // NONBREAKABLE SPACE --> SPACE
  0x09, 0x20,                   // TAB --> SPACE
  0x60, 0x27,                   // GRAVE ACCENT --> APOSTROPHE
'c' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

I will include this too in the next version.

May 2009
Location: Hinnerup, Denmark
Hi Keke

Thanks a lot :-)

Best regards

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