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[answered] Unexpected input: RING and (alarm)handler

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Author Post
Jul 2010
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu Linux 10.04.1
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Nokia 6310i
Interface: serial

Dear KeKe,

I like to sent an sms to a voice caller in case of an "Unexpected input: RING".

Copy of the config:
devices = 6310i
#checked = /var/spool/sms/checked       #Is a Default value:
#incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming     #Is a Default value:
#outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing     #Is a Default value:
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 5
stats = /var/log/smsd_stats
stats_interval = 3600
stats_no_zeroes = no
blacklist = /etc/
hangup_incoming_call = yes
eventhandler = /home/andre/smstools3/scripts/mysmsd-v2
alarmlevel = 7
alarmhandler = /home/andre/smstools3/scripts/alarmhandler

device = /dev/ttyS0
incoming = yes
mode = new
rtscts = yes
baudrate = 19200
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Logfile /var/log/smsd.log entry:


The current Alarmhandler is only for testing.

Please let me know where i go wrong.

Best regards,

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Check this post: [answered] when an incoming call, hang up the phone, send SMS that contact you.. It probably may work with your phone.

Jul 2010
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Topic owner
Dear KeKe,

Thanks for the post, it works fine.

Best regards,


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