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[answered] how to work with smstools ?

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Author Post
Jan 2011
Location: vellore, India
Operating system name and version:
Version of smsd:
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone: nokiya N 85
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter.

i am new to it and i dont know anything about it. but i want to recieve sms from my mobile phone(nokiya) in my computer and recieving sms must trigger the execution of new program which must read the recieved sms and respond accordin to that.

« Last edit by ubuntuyuvaraj on Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:41, 164 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
N85 is a "smart phone" which does not show incoming messages through the external AT interface. It may be used for sending SMS, but receiving will not work.

If you buy a real modem, you can use the eventhandler for any actions which are required. Every time when SMS is received (or sent), eventhandler is called. It can be written using any language, and therefore any actions are possible. Here in this forum is are couple of sample eventhandlers shown, performing SQL database, auto-answering and other operations.

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