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[outdated] Help in Send/Rec SMS

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Author Post
Jan 2011
Location: HK, Hong Kong
Operating system name and version: Fedora 14
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Unknown
Interface: USB

Hi all,

I am faceing a problem that i can't send and rec SMS vi SMS Tools 3.
When i restart the smsd service i noticed that modem LED on CD and DATA is flashing few time that make me think of my Linux is successful send data to the modem but somehow the modem or the phoneline can't function with the SMS ...i've been works on this issue for whole day please somebody help me ....
And for more information that i have also install a fax server in my Linux which it works fine !

Dmesg to get modem connect in /dev/ttyUSB0



Which i'm in Hong Kong and 852XXXXXXXX is my cell phone number...
Wander is it my phone line not support to send SMS...
But unlucky i do not have extra digi phone can do the test....

Any Suggestion is good for me ...SMS Tools going to make me crazy!!!!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You are talking about the "phone line", but this software supports GSM modems only.

To verify what kind of a modem is in use, do the following:

Stop the smsd if it's running.

Start smsd in communication mode:
smsd -C GSM1

Follow the instructions on the screen.

Type AT (and Enter) to see if modem answers OK.

Type ATE1 to set echo on, it's easier to type commands when characters are echoed.

Type some commands and show the result here:







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