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[answered] Time Restrictions possible for sending?

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Author Post
Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Operating system name and version: SLES10SP3
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Name and model of a modem / phone: Network Device

ist it possible to restrict the times when SMSD will send out sms?
We like to send only between special hours, like 08:00 - 20:00
So, could this be done in configuration?

Sure, I can stop the whole daemon, but it would be better if I can do it in config, so I dont have to stop also my several monitoring functions that will check for a running and working sms daemon. :lol:

Best Regards,

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
There are no configuration settings for this. Usually front-end applications decide when to send and when not. And some functions should be able to send messages, even when some other messages are restricted. Also, immediate answers for some incoming messages should be sent immediately, at least in usual cases.

Check this topic: Scheduler for sending messages. In the post #3 there is some code which will do the job using checkhandler, regular_run and eventhandler.

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