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[answered] Web Based SMS Gateway on Debain Server

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Author Post
Feb 2011
Location: New Delhi, India
Operating system name and version: Debain Lenny 5
Version of smsd: Latest Stable
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone: USB/RS 232 Industrial Modem
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter... USB as well as RS 232

Hello All,

I am new to SMStools 3. I have few questions, Please answer

1. I have a CRM running on a web server which can send SMS using third party SMS Service provider like Clickatel. Since this server is on remote location & I can not install my USB Modem like Itegno 3800

2. So I want to set up a SMS Gateway Server in my office using my USB Modem, so I can give htttp port in my CRM to connect to my office server to send/receive SMS

Please answer following questions;

a) Can SMStools3 be used as Web Server, if yes is there any UI
b) SMStools3 is build on which language, I mean c or Java
c) Can I have detailed installation manual for Debain Server

Thanks in advance



Here I want to use in house Server which is Debain lenny & is connected to USB Modem

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
tummyg wrote
a) Can SMStools3 be used as Web Server, if yes is there any UI

Yes, with any UI which can write SMS files to the outgoing directory.

For example, see this topic: smstest.php. It's a sample which demonstrates creation of files and handling of character sets. With minor changes this sample can be used as UI, but usually more features and design are required in the front-end application.

Your CRM could post the data, or the script could be modified to handle HTTP GET requests.

tummyg wrote
b) SMStools3 is build on which language, I mean c or Java

Core SMSTools3 is built on C.

Many samples of external executables (eventhandler, checkhandler etc.) are written using Bash script, or PHP, but any language can be used.

tummyg wrote
c) Can I have detailed installation manual for Debain Server

On Debian apt-get install smstools does the job. There is no detailed manual available.

Feb 2011
Location: New Delhi, India
Topic owner

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

I would work on this & come back here with more questions

Thank you once again,



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