Operating system name and version: Debain Lenny 5
Version of smsd: Latest Stable
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone: USB/RS 232 Industrial Modem
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter... USB as well as RS 232
Hello All,
I am new to SMStools 3. I have few questions, Please answer
1. I have a CRM running on a web server which can send SMS using third party SMS Service provider like Clickatel. Since this server is on remote location & I can not install my USB Modem like Itegno 3800
2. So I want to set up a SMS Gateway Server in my office using my USB Modem, so I can give htttp port in my CRM to connect to my office server to send/receive SMS
Please answer following questions;
a) Can SMStools3 be used as Web Server, if yes is there any UI
b) SMStools3 is build on which language, I mean c or Java
c) Can I have detailed installation manual for Debain Server
Thanks in advance
Here I want to use in house Server which is Debain lenny & is connected to USB Modem