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[answered] how to reduce memory usage of smstools

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Iran
Operating system name and version: UbunTU10.04
Version of smsd: smstools3-3.1.14.tar.gz
Smsd installed from: sources
Interface: serial / USB

I wan to know How can I reduce smstools memory usage by disabling some features like checking smsfiles or any other possible thing because it use near 10MB of memory that is not good for low memory systems like embedded ARM boards?

Thanks a lot.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Features cannot be disabled, but the size of setup can be selected. In the smstools3/src/Makefile change this definition from 64 to 1 or some lower value than 64:

# Select your setup size:

Then cd to smstools3/src and run make clean smsd.

Apr 2010
Location: Iran
Topic owner
thanks a lot for your reply.

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