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SMSTools3 Community » Feature requests Bottom

Modem database

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Portugal

This is a suggestion. What do you think about create a page with the configuration for each modem/operator.

Huawei 220:
init2 = AT^BOOT=0,0

What do you think?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
We already have a Hardware compatibility page, but it's very old and not actively updated. Perhaps some tips, like AT^CURC=0 could be listed there, but still the list will be incomplete when talking about the whole configuration for each modem and probably for operator. The maintenance of complete list would be a huge job, even impossible.

Some people have posted some examples of working configurations (Sample scripts / setups), and I think that making the search feature better is the number one task. While Google search is good already, I have had some ideas ready for the forum search, but I no time to implement them.

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