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Samsung F480 works

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Jun 2009

just to let you know and add that model to the list of known working devices.

A Samsung F480 works fine with smsd version 3.0.10 (no unnecessary upgrades on a production system...) OS is linux kernel 2.6.22 (SUSE out-of-the-box) x86_64.

The phone is connected with the USB cable that came with it. Setting in the phone is to use the Samsung PC suite mode.
lsusb reports the phone like this:

The phone gets assigned a ttyACMx device name automatically. For better mamageability, I created a udev rule to create a symlink with a known name for it:

(this needs to be on ONE LINE ONLY)

The configuration of this device is
device = /dev/tty2-for-SMS
incoming = yes
pin = <hidden>
init1 = AT+CPMS="SM","ME","SM"
memory_start = 0
cs_convert = yes
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

The only quirks I experienced were that I had to set the storage area where incoming SMSes are stored to "SM" explicitly, and the phone uses storage slots numbered from 0.

I guess many modern phones with USB connectors would work similarly, i.e. they are acm devices and need minimal setup in smsd.conf.

Apart from that - thanks for a useful product!


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thank's for the information.

If you have lot of outgoing traffic, you might need to apply following patch to the version 3.0.10 source. This is because signal handler may crash if it's called twice. Version 3.1.2 and later has this fix included.

Jul 2009
Location: NCR, Philippines
Samsung SGH e250I works!

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