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[answered] Hardware GMS Question

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Author Post
Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Hi, does anyone know if this one will work with smsserver tools? We just moved to a new builduing where our serverrooms we have no gsm reception. So I'm looking for a way to leave the server 'downstairs' and put the gsm module upstairs. Using such a network modem would doe that....if I can use it with smsservertools.

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Sorry, I missed the it comes

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
It looks like this device has only http interface, it does not act like a remote modem. Smsd only supports GSM modems with AT command interface.

Probably you could use some network serial port (serial over IP) interface and traditional GSM modem. I do not have any recommendation for a suitable device, but for example Google can find many this kind of kits.

Also there are modems with ethernet interface and serial port driver for the server. Smsd needs serial ports, it does not currently talk directly over IP because it's device depended.

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
OK, I'll look a bit around for a serial-network device and if I decide to buy and test one I'll be back here with the results.

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