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Help with SQL connection

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Author Post
May 2011
Location: Lima, Peru
Hi guys

First of all thanks for posting codes for MySql, really useful; but please could you help me showing the code for connecting to a MS Sql please?

Thanks in advance!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You are still running Smstools3 on Debian? In that case install FreeTDS and unixODBC. In this page there are things explained, including sample code for PHP. I think that in this case PHP is much better than shell scripting. What language do you prefer?

I have had a plans to include built in SQL support in the version 3.2, but publishing of that version is strongly delayed, and currently I do not know when it could be released, if ever.

May 2011
Location: Lima, Peru
Topic owner
Yes Im still running smstools3 on debian.

I thought there would be a similar way of connecting to MS Sql, using eventhandler like the one posted for MySql.

Well I'll follow your instructions. PHP would be ok, so in eventhandler is not necessarily a python code?

Ok, then I hope you could get some time for releasing the new version :D

Thanks man!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
There might be CLI similar to mysql available for FreeTDS and/or ODBC, but I do not know as I have never needed it, neither searched for it. Any language can be used for eventhandler, smsd does not care about it. PHP looks simple, but if you want to, you can use just FreeTDS with C.

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