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Email/SMS Event Handler

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Author Post
Jul 2011
Location: Australia
Hi All, Wondering if anyone has had any experience putting a script together that will handle both email and SMS? I've just started on a project using SMS Tools, and thought I'd see if someone else has needed to put something similar to this together before...

I'm hoping to put something together that will look at the incoming sms/email and perform an action based on the text within the message (Either email the incoming message or send via SMS)

Also, I was hoping to have the SMS gateway answer certain queries, is this possible?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Anything is possible with eventhandler.

For example, see those topics: [answered] SMS 2 EMAIL, [answered] Email to sms or SMS to email, [answered] auto responder + sms2email.

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