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[answered] statistics are not gathered

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Author Post
May 2009
Location: Germany
Hi All,

i use SMS server tools version 3.1.3 on RedHat Enterprise Liux.
I wanted to have a daily summary of the sent SM's.
Appr. 30 - 50 SM's are sent per day.
A daily file is created but unfortunately all numbers show 0 within the statistic file:


The server tools are configured as follows:
stats = /var/spool/sms/stats
stats_interval = 86400

The NOSTATS option has been deactivated within usr/ocal/src/smstools/src/Makefile before start of make.

Does somebody know, what's wrong or still missing?

Thank you in advance for your support!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You had previously compiled and used smsd with NOSTATS enabled, right? If you edit src/Makefile and comment out NOSTATS, you have to run make clean in the src directory, otherwise new compilation does not start because no any source files are changed.

If you already did make clean, and smsd compiled without errors with NOSTATS disabled, then you have some trouble with shared memory library (libmm). You could check if it's testing runs with success.

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