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send and store sms via postgres

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Author Post
Oct 2011
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
Hello! 8)
Thank you for sms server tools!!!

Please, this script is tested and work fine (for me only)!

1. Create new table in database:

2. Put this script in your script folder for smsd:
This script do TEST for new sms in database! You must put it in you base yourself (INSERT INTO sms_log(receiver,text,sender)...). Then script get one row and createing file in queue for sending, you may send to database many sms, if you want...

3. Script for insert status of sended message
This script is eventhandler for smsd. But this script put only CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in status report....

Please if you know how to improve this script - POST!
If you find any err - POST!
Thank you! :D

Oct 2011
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
Topic owner
This scripts work on my FreeBSD server!!!

May 2014
Location: Ambur, India
Hi Friends

I am new to this sms server tools and i just want to know whether your script works in suse 11 desktop with postgres 8.2 database.

If yes then can you please give me detailed explanation for running this service. I need to know about this service in detail.

And i also need to receive incoming sms request.


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