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ZTE MF636+ USB modem stick sample partial smsd.conf

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Mar 2012
Location: Finland, Finland
The below was the configuration in Debian Squeeze running in TuxRail SBC for operator DNA prepaid SIM in Finland. I confirm that I have tested both sending text-format SMS (from outgoing folder) and receiving text-format SMSses (into incoming folder). Test period: so far just 3-4 hours from the first communication. Sending started working easily first. Receiving is always more difficult than sending and took longer time to find the correct settings. The last problem preventing message reading was very likely (not confirmed 100%) AT+CPMS="SM" related. When I changed it to the AT+CPMS="ME" the reception seemed to start right away.

1. You probably have to install usb-modeswitch package to prevent storage device overtaking the interface and to allow access to serial ports (/dev/ttyUSB0,/dev/ttyUSB1,/dev/ttyUSB2 ).
Note: The /dev/ttyUSB2 is the one, unless you have other USB-attached serial ports in your system. In addition you may need to use terminal connection to issue AT+ZCDRUN=8 which instructs the modem to boot without storage device (to return to norma you would use AT0ZCDRUN=9), but this may be unnecessary if usb-modeswitch is used.

I have these added to the end of default /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

# ZTE MF622 (aka "Onda MDC502HS")
# ZTE MF626
# ZTE MF628+ (tested version from Telia / Sweden)
# ZTE MF633
# ZTE MF636 (aka "Telstra / BigPond 7.2 Mobile Card")
# ZTE MF637
# and probably others not listed here
# Contributor: Joakim Wennergren and others

DefaultVendor= 0x19d2
DefaultProduct= 0x2000

TargetVendor= 0x19d2
TargetProduct= 0x0031



2. Not tested for sure if needed, but I also have this defined in /etc/modules:

# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
# Parameters can be specified after the module name.

#Driver for Huawei ZTE MF627 3G Modem (added 2012-02-18)
usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0x0031

3. get smstools package and modify /etc/smsd.conf to have this kind of modem-specific section
(You would modify smsc by your operator of course)

#init = ATE0+CPMS="SM"+CNMI=2,0,0,2,1 2,0,0,1,0 3,2
# by default ZTE636+ has AT+CNMI 3,1,0,0,0 which gives indcation like: +CMTI: "ME",3
init = ATE0+CPMS="ME"
init2 = AT+CNMI=3,1,0,0,0
# # Windows: /dev/com1, Solaris: /dev/cua/a, Linux /dev/ttyS0
device = /dev/ttyUSB2
incoming = yes
# queues = OTHER
# You don't need a PIN for mobile phones ( often not needed by default for NET sticks either)
# pin = ****
# mode = new
# smsc = 491722270000 or DNA/.FI: 358447983500
smsc = 358447983500
baudrate = 19200
check_memory_method = 2
# rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
# report = no
# memory_start = 1
# primary_memory = memory name
# secondary_memory = memory name
# secondary_memory_max = number
# pdu_from_file = /var/spool/sms/GSM1-PDU
sending_disabled = no
# decode_unicode_text = no
# internal_combine = no

Mar 2012
Location: Finland, Finland
Topic owner
Just additional information: the "check_memory_method = 2" is probably in a wrong value here but currently I don't know what is the correct value as I just noticed this issue.

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