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From the cheap phone what is the faster?

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Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
I have create this New topic because I would like to know which from the cheaper phone is the faster in sending message.

now the question is why its taking too long

the test is the following:
sending from 02 to 3 network

seen I've pressed enter on the PC to the message arrive in the other phone is 20 to 22 seconds

but when I type the message on the phone itself it takes 6 seconds

I know the must be a delay on the transmitting time serial conection

So the question is the following:

Does it make much different have a USB connection to the phone? From the cheap old phone which one is the faster?

I have looked at the Sony-Ericsson T300 (init string AT+CPMS="ME",baudrate=115200), as you see it said 115200 but the only cable I can find for this online is USB does it make any different, is the rate changed if it is a USB connection?


please look also to, I attached my other topic to this by this link

Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
Hi, I would like to add more information to the finding out detail times and which cheap phone is the best for a text message gateway.

I did a test now a message from my phone to my phone same network

it took 16 second seen I pressed the enter on my PC

And 5 seconds if I do it from the phone


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
There are no remarkable difference between serial and USB connection.

Messages with more characters take more time to get sent, this is caused by the GSM network.

From the log you can see what is the actual sending time in the network (time between PDU was sent to the modem and message id was received).

There is a delaytime = <number of seconds> setting in the configuration file. For all modem processes this means how often incoming messages are checked and read. Default value is 10 seconds. For the main process this means how often outgoing messages are checked and spooled. This setting can be overridden with a delaytime_mainprocess setting. For example, with delaytime_mainprocess = 2 outgoing messages are checked every two seconds. As soon as any message is spooled, a signal is sent to all modem processes and they will send a message as soon as possible. Modem initialization and network checking will take some seconds before PDU is sent. In the practice, sending with GSM based modem cannot be faster. You can set delaytime_mainprocess to 1 second, this does not cause remarkable load to the server.

Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
Thanks for your reply! I'm just adding to this that this is the website that explain where to add it


Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
Hi, I have done the test across networks and it is taking nearly the same 12 to 16 sec

and in the same network its 10 seconds

Its not bad really, just wondering that checking every sec may reduce performance of the server? What do you think?

it take about 3 sec from the webpage to the the send command on my server but it takes about 22-30 sec to get on the final destination. I wish it would get faster.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Its not bad really, just wondering that checking every sec may reduce performance of the server? What do you think?

Checking outgoing messages every second may increase the server load by 0.1 or 0.2. It's not too bad. Current version (3.1.5) will always wait 1 second between checking, even if delaytime_mainprocess value is set to 0. If there was a message to send, next possible message is checked immediately.

When a message file was found, smsd will wait another one second to see if the file grows or not. Usually this delay is not a problem, but if you have something like 5000 messages to spool to 20 modems, this second is too much. For this kind of case there is an undocumented setting trust_outgoing available. With this setting file growing detection is skipped and you must ensure that any file found is complete for sending. This means that files are moved (within the same filesystem) to the outgoing folder, not copied. Also .LOCK files can be used.

Your front-end application can also send a signal SIGCONT to the smsd mainprocess right after an outgoing file is created. If delaytime is more than one second, you can speed up sending little bit.

However, with modem based messaging deliver is never lightning fast. The next log is from one of my typical setups:

There is about two seconds spent before actual PDU is sent to the modem. While initializing a modem, pre_init could be disabled as it may save some time. But it does not help very much.

If you need fastest possible sending, you should connect directly to the service center, but it's expensive and cannot be done with this software.

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