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Infofile /var/run/smsd.working cannot be created: Permission denied

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Author Post
Jun 2012
Location: Netherlands
Operating system name and version: Centos 6
Version of smsd: 3
Smsd installed from: Yum
Name and model of a modem / phone: Nokia C2-01
Interface: USB


When i start smsd (/etc/initd.d/smsd start) i get the following error:

smsd: Infofile /var/run/smsd.working cannot be created: Permission denied
smsd: Done: startup_check (shell), execution time 0 sec., status: 0 (0)
smsd: There was 1 major problem found.
smsd: Smsd mainprocess terminated.

How can i solve this?


Jun 2012
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
ok, solved it myself to create the file myself and to chown to smstools owner.
Also needed to create a file and changed the ownership to smstools

Nov 2014
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Hi, I know this is an old post.
but I would like to know if you made the nokia c2 to work on smstools.
were you able to receive messages? which init string have you used?

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