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[answered] Noob: Creating script

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Author Post
Jul 2009
Location: NCR, Philippines
Sorry for the question.

I like to ask, how to create a script?

I want to automate sending using the script you provide.

Is it possible to use smsd to get data from MYSQL data base?

Hoping for your answers.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
maboo23 wrote
I like to ask, how to create a script?

By using your favorite editor. :) :)

Ok, you might want to visit this: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. It's very good.

Is it possible to use smsd to get data from MYSQL data base?

Currently there is no built in support for SQL based spooling. It may come to the some next version, probably in two or three months. While waiting it, you must use a script to poll MySQL database and to create outgoing files etc.

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