As a quite generic thing, we developers often forget to remain consistent - me included. It is just a part of human nature to do the same thing differently each time. If this does not get fixed along time with Smstools then I hope at least the world becomes a little more better (logical at least!) if at least some readers and we all developers note this.
I think naming conventions are much more important than most of people think. To maintain consistent naming makes both development time and runtime usage much more straightforward.
These different names below instead of just "smstools" everywhere are an example showcase what should be avoided in my opinion. When saying this, I perfectly understand that these have probably just accumulated over time and it is certainly not current main developer's fault that it is the way like it is now.
Software home page: SMS Server tools 3
Package name: smstools
service management name: sms3
service binary executable name: smsd
runtime configuration file: /etc/sms.conf
log-folder name: /var/log/smstools
data (spool) folder name: /var/spool/sms
Alternative, and I would say very consistend naming situation could be for example:
Software home page: SMS Tools 3
Package name: smstools
service management name: smstools
service binary executable name: smstoolsd
runtime configuration file: /etc/smstools.conf
log-folder name: /var/log/smstools
data (spool) folder name: /var/spool/smstools
With "service management name" I mean the name you
use in service management commands like "service sms3 start".
This is just a positive suggestion/idea. Feel free to use/improve or leave like it is as probably too many other software has dependencies to current naming convention -- which is also the argument why naming should be well thought before there are popular releases.