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[answered] Multiple database - extra header for status report

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Author Post
Dec 2012
Location: Malaysia
Hi all and keke,

Thanks for the great software, been using it a few days and it run flawlessly.

To the request, I'm refering to this thread . I'm not able to find a workaround to this single problem. It's easy to get the Message_id and track which status report belong to which sent message if the database's parameters is known beforehand. In my multiple database setup, I need to select the database first to correctly insert the status report.

SENT and FAILED is easy with an extra header but not REPORT. Is there any easy way to add an extra header? or like the thread suggested, the report might as well carry the extra header set in the sent message.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Delivery report cannot contain any additional data, like headers. GSM protocol does not allow this.

As you already have extra headers, you could check the script eventhandler_report which is in the scripts directory. That script tries to store information to sent messages. With some modifications it can read your headers, and select the proper database and so on...

Dec 2012
Location: Malaysia
Topic owner
Thanks keke for the swift reply and explanation. I'll look into your suggestion.

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