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Message 0, not enough storage space.

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Author Post
Feb 2013
Location: AlmaAta, Kazakhstan
Operating system name and version: Debian 6.0.4
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Teleofis RX201 EDGE USB
Interface: USB


everything works fine, but in log file are many entries like :

what is it? is it error?

My config :

Feb 2013
Location: AlmaAta, Kazakhstan
Topic owner
Protopov wrote
Operating system name and version: Debian 6.0.4
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Teleofis RX201 EDGE USB
Interface: USB


everything works fine, but in log file are many entries like :

loglevel = 5

loglevel = 7

what is it? is it error?

My config :

Apr 2017
Location: pucky_wins, South Africa

I have the same issue on two of my SIMs.

2017-07-26 06:48:36,3, VOD_TEST: Message 0, not enough storage space.

It's come out of this part of code. I don't understand it enough to actually see what is wrong. Maybe the buffer just needs to get increased a bit.
It does seem though that everything is working ok. Any ideas?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Can you please show concatenation storage of both SIMs, so I can repeat the error here?

The first one is /var/spool/sms/incoming/VOD_TEXT-concatenated, or /var/spool/sms/saved/VOD_TEXT-concatenated if you are using saved directory. Another one is in the same directory, devicename-concatenated.

You can use Private tag to protect the data from others.

Apr 2017
Location: pucky_wins, South Africa
Thanks, as follows:
Hidden private text.

« Last edit by pucky_wins on Wed Jul 26, 2017 13:44, 85 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thank you very much for the information.

The problem is caused by 16bit message ID's which are handled incorrectly in the smsd. This will be fixed in the next version which is released probably in two weeks.

Your messages are as follows:
Hidden private text.

In this case you can just delete the -concatenated file to get rid of the error messages.

Apr 2017
Location: pucky_wins, South Africa
Thanks for the feedback

Oct 2016
Location: Austria
Is there already a fix for the "not enough storage space" error?

Apr 2017
Location: pucky_wins, South Africa

This issue still presents itself in version 3.1.15. Was it supposed to be fixed?

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