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[fixed] regular_run_logfile 3-3.1.7beta4

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Author Post
Mar 2010
Location: Ukraine
Operating system name and version: altlinux 2.4
Version of smsd: 3-3.1.7beta4
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: sim300,sim300
Interface: serial,serial

Alter the conclusions log appeared superfluous newline

same answers different modems

eventhandler_ussd = /usr/local/bin/sms/scripts/eventhandler_ussd

cp -f $file /var/log/sms/$device.$ussdcommand.ussd

« Last edit by nm11 on Tue Apr 13, 2010 06:01, 175 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
nm11 wrote
Alter the conclusions log appeared superfluous newline

This is a bug. Thanks for reporting it.

While waiting for the new version, you can remove the file at the end of eventhandler_ussd, or fix the code: in the smsd.c, search "strcpy(answer, buffer);" and change it to "strcpy(answer, cut_ctrl(buffer));".

nm11 wrote
same answers different modems

Can you verify with loglevel = 7 what is the complete answer coming from the modem?

You are not using ussd_convert, right?

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