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[answered] Need Network GSM Modem

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Author Post
Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Operating system name and version: OpenSuse 11.2
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: some adapter...

Hi, I need to use sms tools either with a GSM Network connected module or with a ISDN Temrinal Adapter (like AVM B1).

So can anyone tell me which netword GSM module works with SMS Tools?
Seems to be there are a lot of modems available but I dont like to buy them until find one that is working:-)

Also, is it possible to use sms tools with an AVM ISDN Card?
Axel Schneck

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
aschneck wrote
So can anyone tell me which netword GSM module works with SMS Tools?
Seems to be there are a lot of modems available but I dont like to buy them until find one that is working:-)

I do not have a good list of devices, but at least Multitech MultiModem Wireless EDGE via Ethernet Interface, Multitech Multimodem MTCBA-G-EN and MTSMC-G-F4 are working.

With the version 3.1.11 of smsd, modems should have telnet features disabled and they cannot have any username or password set.

aschneck wrote
Also, is it possible to use sms tools with an AVM ISDN Card?

I do not know for sure, but it looks like this device will not work with smstools.

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
OK, I'll search for a reseller in germany.

This one for example:,Ny:True,Nea:True

Do you think this one will work:

And smsservertools can be configured to use such device over tcp/ip?
Could find examples here (maybe I missed them...)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
aschneck wrote
Do you think this one will work:

And smsservertools can be configured to use such device over tcp/ip?

At least a member lextor is using this device.

Check the device setting. There are also other socket -related settings available: socket_connection_alarm_after, socket_connection_errorsleeptime and socket_connection_retries.

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Bought a MTCBA-G-EN-F4-ED-EU and got it today. Just installed it into network. Put a Vodafone SIM into. Connected manually using telnet <ip> 5000, logged in. Send a AT+CPIN?, got back "ready" and the TR LED went to status on (is still on). Sent a SMS manually with AT+CMGS="<nr>" <CR>thisisatest<CTRL-Z>
Got an +CMGS: 9 and OK
Got the SMS on my mobile phone.
Then I tried to con´figure server tools.
Added another device, called it gsmlan1 with the following lines:
device = @
incoming = yes
read_timeout = 20
device_open_alarm_after = 5
socket_connection_alarm_after = 5

Restarting daemon and monitoring the smsd.log shows that the daemon tries to connect.
But it seems to be that connecting using sockets the feedback is another (or nearly nothing).
See lines like these in the log:
2010-08-12 17:02:37,3, GSMLAN1: Unexpected input: ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒#▒▒'
2010-08-12 17:02:37,7, GSMLAN1: -> AT
2010-08-12 17:02:37,7, GSMLAN1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2010-08-12 17:02:57,7, GSMLAN1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 1.
2010-08-12 17:02:57,7, GSMLAN1: <-
2010-08-12 17:02:58,7, GSMLAN1: ->

So, I think I need some special init-strings or else in the device config. But I dont know which one and device documentation doesnt help.
Any hints?
Please :mrgreen:

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Yippiheiho :P
I've got it working.
In the ModemSetup I had to choose one mor option.
As you wrote first telnet have to be disabled.
But in the IP Setup the function "Raw Dialout" has to be ENABLED.
Also AutoDialout has to be ENABLED.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland

I was just writing an answer, containing some words about "telnet negotiation" and about settings which exists but I do not know what settings and where... , but you was faster. ;)

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Good Morning,
yep, but you are also very fast in respondig!
If needed/wanted I can post all settings I made anywhere here?
But the most important I already wrote.
Also you can 'remind' me if someone other in the future will ask; if I can help, I'll do
Axel :lol:

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Hi, I have one more question using network GSM,
Is it possible to use one Network GSM Module from two sms daemons on different servers?
If configuring only on for incoming=yes?

Jun 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Give the answer by myself: NO

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
aschneck wrote
If needed/wanted I can post all settings I made anywhere here?

Thanks for sharing the information. After you have running your setup for a while, and have seen that everything is reliable, including status reports, you could post the configuration to Sample scripts / setups forum. It surely will help other users.

aschneck wrote
aschneck wrote
Is it possible to use one Network GSM Module from two sms daemons on different servers?

Give the answer by myself: NO

Your answer is correct. Two or more daemons running the same modem will cause serious problems.

However, you can have another daemon running on different server, with it's own modem, for example with a prepaid SIM. This can be used to receive some control messages to that server, if necessary. And when that server wants to send some SMS, it can "use" the network GSM through the "main" server which controls it. Check this post for details: Sample checkhandler to spool messages using another Smstools3 server.

If you choose prepaid SIM which may expire, check this post too: Sample config and script for regular_run and balance of prepaid SIM using USSD.

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