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Help talking to nokia 6210 serial communication

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Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Hi I am trying to send text message using a Nokia 6210 but its giving me error
The error is the follow

I type
reply OK
them I type
at+cmgs="mynumber" I have tried "+mynumber" and "+country code mynumber"
>hello (this is text i supposed) press Ctrl+z
and it reply
Do you know what's going on and what I am doing wrong?


Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
I have also installed the smstool3 on a linux machine,

but when I type sendsms 491721234567 'Hello, how are you'

I can see the file created send_"code" on the output folder and disappear after a few sec but nothing happen, no text coming, no text on the phone itself?

Could yo up please help?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
CMS ERROR 69 is "Requested facility not implemented". Have you checked with a phone if you can send SMS?

I just tried with 6210 and with ascii mode (cmgf=1) messages were sent while using national number and while using international number without + sign. International number with + sign produced an error CMS 111 "Protocol error, unspecified".

With smstools3 you could use loglevel = 7 and failed = /var/spool/sms/failed in the smsd.conf. Then restart smsd and retry with sendsms. From the log it can be seen how communication works, show the piece of log here.

When sending fails, there will be a file in the failed folder with Fail_reason: header. This header tells something about the reason, but in this case it might be the same CMS 69.

As you have another SIM and mobile phone, you could put this SIM to 6210 and try to send SMS to it's own number.

Your country is Germany, right? May I update this to your profile? In some cases it's useful to know where messaging is done.

Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
Ok keke
I have to create the failed folder on the sms directory

so the smsg.conf file look like this: ( as you see it was already loglevel = 7, I added the failed line)

# Example smsd.conf. Read the manual for a description

devices = GSM1

logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed

device = /dev/ttyS0
incoming = yes
#pin = 1111

now I tried to send a message after reset the sms3

and I see the file going into the failed folder

this is how the log looks like (please note I am in the UK I've just ussed as an example in the previous post, I am deleting some digits from my original phone, just for security reasons)

« Last edit by keke on Fri Jul 10, 2009 08:27, 190 months ago. »
Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
I did a search and it comes like this

38 - "Network out of order"
This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to last a relatively long period of time; e.g., immediately reattempting the short message transfer is not likely to be successful.

But it works fine if I use the phone itself, I can sent text to my other phone no problem and they arrive really quickly.

Do you know what is going on?


Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
I have forgotten to say I am trying it in the O2 network at the moment, Thanks

Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
Hi, Sorry about all this :) its working now

I did notice that when it start keep sending whatever is in checked folder, so I deleted all and start fresh, and you must type + and country code my case 44 and it works.

I also notice that in the log file the sign + does not appear ever though it was typed, DO you know Why?

Moved to a new topic
now the question is why its taking too long

the test is the following:
sending from 02 to 3 network

seen I've pressed enter on the PC to the message arrive in the other phone is 20 to 22 seconds

but when I type the message on the phone itself it takes 6 seconds

I know the must be a delay on the transmitting time serial conection

So the question is the following:

Does it make much different have a USB connection to the phone? From the cheap old phone which one is the faster?

I have looked at the Sony-Ericsson T300 (init string AT+CPMS="ME",baudrate=115200), as you see it said 115200 but the only cable I can find for this online is USB does it make any different, is the rate changed if it is a USB connection?


« Last edit by keke on Fri Jul 10, 2009 08:26, 190 months ago. »
Jul 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Topic owner
please look also to, I attached my other topic to this by this link

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
peteruk2009 wrote
38 - "Network out of order"...

In this case this is just an incorrect or at least confusing message from the SMSC. In many cases this error code means service break. This varies by countries.

peteruk2009 wrote
I did notice that when it start keep sending whatever is in checked folder, so I deleted all and start fresh, and you must type + and country code my case 44 and it works.

By default, international number format should always be used. Latest version 3.1.5 will accept another formats too, see To_TOA header on documentation. The + sign is not necessary but it's accepted, partially because of backward compatibility.

peteruk2009 wrote
I also notice that in the log file the sign + does not appear ever though it was typed, DO you know Why?

It's just removed. Generally taken, number in international format without spaces is the best way to act. Later if you are going to track delivery reports (status reports), there will be number in international format (without + sign) and it's much easier to create eventhandler scripts when the format is the same. Also, when you store messages to SQL database, searching is much more straightforward.

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