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Howto monitor smsd status? for to stop/start the pid

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Author Post
Nov 2009
Location: Alto Parana, Paraguay
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 10.10 64 Bits
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Modem Huawei Model E226
Interface: USB

Hello everybody.

Any one have an idea of how can I know/test the status of the smsd, to know if it is working (sending/receiving)? So I can stop/start the pid again. The problem is that sometimes smsd is running but stop sending/receiving sms througth the USB ttyUSB0 and after a restart it works fine again.

I am planing to use monit for that purpose.

Any suggestion will be apreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Oct 2010
Location: New Caledonia
First check if your ttyUSB0 doesn't change at reboot, if so read :
I use a really basic script (run by cron) to check smsd state.
Adjust your modem name if it's not called GSM1:

Hope this helps

Nov 2009
Location: Alto Parana, Paraguay
Topic owner
Thank you very much electronico_nc.

I will try your script!!
But could you please tell me the meaning of
ps ax | grep -v grep | grep 'smsd -n MAINPROCESS' > /dev/null ???
I'm new in the linux world and its shell script .. :)

I use smsservertools3 + playsms to send bulk sms some times around 3000 in a day, have you experience that the smsd appears in ps ax as running but don't send/receive, like the usb modem has hangup/freezed ? That is what happends to me and I want to detect for to make an automatic stop/start to solve it. Because KeKe says thait this is cause of the USB modem and He is right because I also have a serial modem and It doesn't have this problem.

Also thanks for your tip about udev rules I have used this option in the past when I setup smsservertools with 3 equal modems of the same vendor and model. I used this property:
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNELS=="3-2", NAME="modem_pesonal"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNELS=="7-1", NAME="modem_claro"
with the KERNELS I could distinguish one from the other but the modem get married with the pc usb port.


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