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umask problem

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Author Post
Mar 2013
Location: italy, Italy
I use smstools to send notification from several years.

Now I need to understand how force this tool to create files with 660 permissions (and not 600) because I am developping an interface to delete the sms queue via apache server.
It is not possible to start smstools like apache user because the first files (in the outgoing dir) are created by another user (who sends the sms)

There is an “umask” variable to set in the /etc/smsd.conf file, but it has not any effects.
I set "umask = 0002" , but I still produce files in ../outoging and ../checked directory with 600 permissions.

Any idea ?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
As long as the file is in the spooler, the mode is inherited. Umask setting may limit the mode, but it does not give more permissions.

The tool by another user which creates outgoing files should create them with 66x. Usually, with umask = 0022 group access is limited to read only, when the file is moved to the checked folder. With umask = 0002 group access is not limited by smsd.

If you are going to alter the spooler, take care of *.LOCK files. If the message file is locked by smsd (<messagefile>.LOCK exists), it's a very bad thing to alter or delete the file.

External tool can stop the sending with suspend feature. However, the main process will still continue spooling, and it there are any messages to spool, they are moved to checked directory and *.LOCK files are used while moving. Probably some external flag file could also be used, another external process could check if it exists, and stop the whole smsd if necessary.

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