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#1 Fri May 24, 2013 09:31, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 12.04 Version of smsd: 3.x (Latest) Smsd installed from: from here Name and model of a modem / phone:to be recommended Interface: USB
We want to install SMS Server Tools 3. What GSM Phone should we buy for Germany. Please make a recomendation !
Will Ubuntu 12.04 work. Do you recommend another Linux OS (i.g. SuSe) ?
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#2 Mon May 27, 2013 13:51, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
Hi, I have installed sms server tools 3 on a CentOS server which is working very stable. We bought cheap IP-GSM-Gateways from http://www.mcm-control.com/epages/es122015.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es122015_mcm-control/Categories/%22GSM%20Modems%22 After some problems at initial configuration they are now working quite good. Comparing to other devices which are much more expensive we are quite confident with them.
kind regards, astrakid
#3 Wed May 29, 2013 09:12, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
I installed Nokia E51. After connecting ist to an usb port, a new character device named /dev/bus/usb/002/003 is created, automatically.
However, when starting smsd, the log says: "checking if modem is ready" "unexpected error" "write_to_modem:error 22 invalid argument."
At by init parameter does not work, either.
Questions: Am I using the right device file ? How can I test, whether the modem responds ? How can I find out, which device file the modem uses ?
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#4 Wed May 29, 2013 09:57, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
have a look at minicom. with this tool you can execute at-commands and other things.
regards, astrakid
#5 Wed May 29, 2013 10:10, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
just executed lsusb. It shows all usb devices. (Mouse, USB Stick, Nokia Phone etc).
Thus, I am quite sure, I am using the right character device.
The Nokia Phone asks, whether to use PC Suite or filetransfer mode, when connected ?
Which mode is correct ?
PS: Anyway, thanks for the information about minicom.
Would be nice, if sms had some testmode.
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#6 Wed May 29, 2013 10:12, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
hi, i am not sure, but i guess you have to use the pc-suite-mode. when using filetransfer you are only able to you the mass-storage-part of the phone i think...
regards, astrakid
#7 Wed May 29, 2013 10:39, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
actually, it says: 'data transfer mode'. SIM card not accessible.
I am using hypertermional for testing the at commands.
Do you happen to know, what at command sends out a sms and how this is done ?
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#8 Wed May 29, 2013 11:23, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
hi, from my logs i guess it have to be these commands: => the string for sending an sms seems to be somehow crypted...
#9 Wed May 29, 2013 12:12, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
you are using PDU mode.
I will try text mode to send a test sms.
How does your smsd.conf look like ?
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#10 Wed May 29, 2013 13:00, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
#11 Wed May 29, 2013 13:29, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
you are not using an usb modem.
To send a SMS, i only need to commands.
#set textmode at+cmgf=1
#send sms atcmgs="49171..." >Hello World [Ctrl+Z]
However, I cannot get smstools working.
It says: checking if modem is ready unexpected input write_to_modem: error 22 invalid argument.
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#12 Wed May 29, 2013 13:32, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
correct, but before i was using an usb-stick and didn't have to use any special init-strings.
regards, astrakid
#13 Wed May 29, 2013 21:35, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
it seems to me, that smstools require cpms support.
However, at+cpms=? returns (),(),()
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#14 Fri May 31, 2013 06:40, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
hi, i had a look into former log_files when using a usb-modem. CPMS seems to be used, but concerning logs I guess they are only necessary for incoming SMS...f =>
#15 Fri May 31, 2013 07:14, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
CPMS is used for sending, too.
The message_storage1 Parameter The first parameter of the +CPMS AT command, message_storage1, specifies the message storage area that will be used when reading or deleting SMS messages."
Anyway, I tried to cat some at commands to the GSM Phone by "cat at_commands >/dev/bus/usb/002/014".
However, this did not work.
I will try to get minicom installed, to test the usb interface.
Actually, I only need two at commands to send the sms.
I am just about to write a little perl script, which will do the job.
The perl script will grap the right usb channel. too.
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#16 Fri May 31, 2013 07:25, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
hi, I checked my old logs again and i am quite sure that after changing the parameter to "incoming = 0" changed the behaviour. I couldn't find any further CPMS-messages in the logs later on even after a restart of smsd and sms were sent successfully.
regards, astrakid
#17 Fri May 31, 2013 09:30, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
I changed incoming to "no" However, the smsd.log stiill says: "unexpected input" "write_to_modem: error 22".
The usb device file might be the problem.
I just installed minicom to test that.
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#18 Fri May 31, 2013 09:39, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
ok. good luck. maybe this link helps you further: http://www.developershome.com/sms/cpmsCommand.asp
if you like we can get into a direct discussion via mail.
regards, astrakid
#19 Fri May 31, 2013 10:14, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
just got minicom installed. I used the wrong device file.
The right device file is:/dev/ttyAC??
Smsd works, too. No errors in smsd.log !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, sendsms won't work. (Minicom does).
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
#20 Fri May 31, 2013 10:16, 143 months ago.
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Germany
great, good starting point. sendsms is not working? any error messages? I did it always via smsd by a simple textfile which was copied to /....../outgoing - then smsd checks the file and processes it. that worked fine for me.
regards, astrakid
#21 Fri May 31, 2013 12:14, 143 months ago.
Registered: May 2013
Location: Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Topic owner
Hi Astrakid,
got it working ! Thanks a lot for your help !
PS: Phone number must start with "49.."
Best Wishes Ralf Steffler
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