Hello everyone,
I'm "desperate" and i hope you guys can help me.
I'm trying to send SMS using telnet connection and AT comands using the hardware "2N - VoiceBlue Lite", i think i've to use following commands:
AT!G=A6 Activation of SMS control(can be activated only in one session at same time)
AT^SM=ch,len,pdu,csum Request to send a message via GSM module 0..31 or via any GSM module (ch=32). Possible answers: *smserr (busy,write) or *smsout
But i simple cannot find an example to understand the correct sintax/sequence of comands.
If i want to send the message "Hello World" to the cellphone number 9112312312, what would be the correct sequence/sintax of commands?
Any help or link to more information/examples would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
ps: I apologize if this is not the correct forum but i'm really desperate.