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smsd fails to register but has signal - SIM works in phone

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Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Operating system name and version: FreeBSD 8.4
Version of smsd: smstools3-3.1.15
Smsd installed from: ports
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E220
Interface: USB

Everything was working perfectly until recently in which for some reason everything stopped working. I know our local area just recently enabled 4G on AT&T but not sure if that has anything to do with it. I've removed and reinstalled smstools3 and I've checked the SIM card in multiple other devices and it seems to be just fine. I'm really not sure what could be causing my device to fail to register now.

I do not have any INIT commands in my .conf but if you know any I should use, please help.

2013-09-18 15:27:21,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.15 started.
2013-09-18 15:27:21,2, smsd: Running as root:wheel.
2013-09-18 15:27:21,7, smsd: Running startup_check (shell): /var/spool/sms/incoming/smsd_script.oD7dDe /tmp/smsd_data.2E1z62
2013-09-18 15:27:21,7, smsd: Done: startup_check (shell), execution time 0 sec., status: 0 (0)
2013-09-18 15:27:21,4, smsd: File mode creation mask: 022 (0644, rw-r--r--).
2013-09-18 15:27:21,5, smsd: Outgoing file checker has started. PID: 17484.
2013-09-18 15:27:21,7, smsd: All PID's: 17484,17485
2013-09-18 15:27:21,5, GSM1: Modem handler 0 has started. PID: 17485.
2013-09-18 15:27:21,5, GSM1: Using check_memory_method 1: CPMS is used.
2013-09-18 15:27:21,6, GSM1: Checking device for incoming SMS
2013-09-18 15:27:21,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2013-09-18 15:27:21,7, GSM1: -> AT
2013-09-18 15:27:21,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:22,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-09-18 15:27:22,6, GSM1: Pre-initializing modem
2013-09-18 15:27:22,7, GSM1: -> ATE0+CMEE=1;+CREG=2
2013-09-18 15:27:22,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:22,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-09-18 15:27:22,6, GSM1: Checking if modem needs PIN
2013-09-18 15:27:22,7, GSM1: -> AT+CPIN?
2013-09-18 15:27:22,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:23,7, GSM1: <- +CPIN: READY OK
2013-09-18 15:27:23,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2013-09-18 15:27:23,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:23,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 10,99 OK
2013-09-18 15:27:23,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (10,99) -93 dBm (Workable), Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable
2013-09-18 15:27:23,6, GSM1: Checking if Modem is registered to the network
2013-09-18 15:27:23,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2013-09-18 15:27:23,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:24,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,2,99E8,94FE OK
2013-09-18 15:27:25,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2013-09-18 15:27:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:25,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 10,99 OK
2013-09-18 15:27:25,5, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (10,99) -93 dBm (Workable), Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable
2013-09-18 15:27:25,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2013-09-18 15:27:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:26,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,2,99E8,94FE OK
2013-09-18 15:27:27,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2013-09-18 15:27:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:27,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 10,99 OK
2013-09-18 15:27:27,5, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (10,99) -93 dBm (Workable), Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable
2013-09-18 15:27:27,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2013-09-18 15:27:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-09-18 15:27:28,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,2,99E8,94FE OK

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
With a fast googling it seems that E220 does not work on 4G network.

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
I'm aware it isn't a 4G/LTE device, however that shouldn't prevent it from using EDGE or 3G.

So the problem is, what is preventing it from using EDGE or 3G?

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
I've used all four of these as (init = ) and no matter what, it doesn't make a difference...

2G only : AT^SYSCFG=13,1,3FFFFFFF,2,4
3G only : AT^SYSCFG=14,2,3FFFFFFF,2,4
2G preferred : AT^SYSCFG=2,1,3FFFFFFF,2,4
3G preferred : AT^SYSCFG=2,2,3FFFFFFF,2,4

Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
People, let's see if what i'm going to say is a perfectly nonsense or i'm trully correct.

SMS - Short message service is used only in GSM standard platform.

When we send an MMS the service is used on GRPS/EDGE/HSDPA/HSUPA, thru CDMA/WCDMA UMTS and so on.

When we have available 3G or 4G network, for basics we have GSM for basic working network (SMS and calls). 3G & 4G are better complements for GSM service.

For example: Here in Portugal, operators are changing our SIM cards and have implemented 4G network already.

Actualy i have two 4G SIM cards and they work on my 3G phones.

The modem will only use 3G when yout try to connect to internet or send na MMS.

The modem will stop registering when GSM network dies. For that, millions of people would have to change their phones and millions of 3G modems too (by changing all to 4G)
Cell networks are upgrading, but in a slow motion. And we will have a few more years.

###### End of will ##### :D (sorry)

Returning to your problem.
Take the SIM card out and try to register on a cell phone. Send an sms test.
The network available on your area, how strong is it?

The modem seems to work, because it detect's the signal strenght.

GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (10,99) -93 dBm (Workable), Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable

Like wifi, -93dBm is very lower signal (or signal lost). The signal must be at least -85dBm.

But would the SIM card "died"? It's possible.

Where is the modem connected? Behind a desk next to the wall? Behind a rack server? In a zone with low network signal?

A little experiencie: Try to put a cell phone with the same network very near the modem and see if the phone gets signal!

« Last edit by MareAlta on Thu Oct 03, 2013 17:27, 133 months ago. »
Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Huawei E220 when it blinks Green twice, it means the modem didn't registered on the network.
When it blinks once, means that it's registered and GSM (or 2G) is available.
When it blinks blue once, means 2G & 3G are available.
I think that you know that. No ofense. ;)

Have you observed this?

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
When I put the SIM in an AT&T Phone, it shows great signal, works great, can call and SMS.

I put it back in the Huawei E220 and it fails to work. Remember, this all worked perfectly until our area upgraded to 4G/LTE.

The SIM works in both 4G and non-4G devices.

When sitting here sometimes it shows no signal, other times it shows signal ranging from Workable to Marginal.

So, if the problem is the E220, what device should I buy that supports SMS, and will work on AT&T in the USA on EDGE, 3G, and 4G signals?

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
Also, something a little odd...

+COPS: (1,"T-Mobile","TMO","31026",0),,(0,1,3,4),(0,1,2)

It doesn't show AT&T.

Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Ok! So CLAIM to your network operator for lack of signal.

Did you get some notice from netowrk operator, with information of chaging the comunications platform?

As you say and quote
When sitting here sometimes it shows no signal, other times it shows signal ranging from Workable to Marginal.

Workable! That's bad!

Maybe your network is on that are that some IT technicians call "shadow area". There are some areas in land around the world, where the signal doesn't get enough. Operators usualy install repeaters in the area.

Here in Portugal we have the same issue, for example near Chaves, North of Portugal. And another example is with new TDT - Digital TV. The same problem.

Resuming, in my previous posts i sad that GSM allways work and 3G & 4G are complements (advantages).

plus: cell phones have more gain then usb modems. That's why you can get some signal.

An experience(another): try if you can, to get an usb cable - My two modems E220 are working with a cannon usb camera. The cable is the same. The ideia is to elevate the modem, trying to get some signal. Can do this experiment?

My last sugestion is, claim to your network operator, to get more signal.
If you are really thinking in changing modem, my advice is to get an Huawei. As far i can get till now, huawei works perfect with smstools and your platform.

Here is something very important, when buying 4G Modem.
HUAWEI E397Bu-501: 4G LTE FDD Band 4(1700/2100MHz) and Band 17 (700MHz)

HUAWEI E397Bu-7: 4G LTE FDD 1800/2100MHz

HUAWEI E397u-53: 4G LTE FDD Band 13 (700 MHz), 1700/2100MHz

HUAWEI E397u-56: 4G LTE FDD (B4) 2100 mhz

As you can read, there are diferent working frequencies. It depends on your country.

Hope i could help you more.

Just let me know what was the next step that you are going to make.
If you will use an 4G huawei modem, tell something about it.

Best regards

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
I located a different device and this is what happens when I try to use it...

2013-10-03 17:52:27,7, smsd: Running startup_check (shell): /var/spool/sms/incoming/smsd_script.w4wR6s /tmp/smsd_data.Q4JjvI
2013-10-03 17:52:27,7, smsd: Done: startup_check (shell), execution time 0 sec., status: 0 (0)
2013-10-03 17:52:27,4, smsd: File mode creation mask: 022 (0644, rw-r--r--).
2013-10-03 17:52:27,5, smsd: Outgoing file checker has started. PID: 46901.
2013-10-03 17:52:27,7, smsd: All PID's: 46901,46903
2013-10-03 17:52:27,5, GSM1: Modem handler 0 has started. PID: 46903.
2013-10-03 17:52:27,5, GSM1: Using check_memory_method 1: CPMS is used.
2013-10-03 17:52:27,6, GSM1: Checking device for incoming SMS
2013-10-03 17:52:27,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2013-10-03 17:52:27,7, GSM1: -> AT
2013-10-03 17:52:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-03 17:52:28,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-10-03 17:52:28,6, GSM1: Pre-initializing modem
2013-10-03 17:52:28,7, GSM1: -> ATE0+CMEE=1;+CREG=2
2013-10-03 17:52:28,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-03 17:52:28,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-10-03 17:52:28,6, GSM1: Checking if modem needs PIN
2013-10-03 17:52:28,7, GSM1: -> AT+CPIN?
2013-10-03 17:52:28,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-03 17:52:29,7, GSM1: <- +CPIN: PH-NET PIN OK
2013-10-03 17:52:29,2, GSM1: PIN handling: expected READY, modem answered +CPIN: PH-NET PIN OK
2013-10-03 17:52:29,2, GSM1: Modem handler 0 terminated abnormally. PID: 46903.

Any idea what to do to get past this point?

Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Ok! It's diferent device. But what device have you tried?

Did you insert any init string?
Try to remove PIN just for test propose!

Show the .conf of that device, if you please!

Hold on! Let's see another thing! Power issue!

How many usb ports do you have in your board? How many ports are beeing used? Wht type of devices are pluged-in?

I'm asking this because, this "hang" of that another device, could be stopping for some lack of power! The same way huawei E220, can't get enough signal strenght, probably due to the lack of power! It's a perspective that you should observe!

When we have more than one device consuming power thru usb, devices can stop working because they don't have enough power!

« Last edit by MareAlta on Fri Oct 04, 2013 00:25, 133 months ago. »
Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
Okay, so I've tested the Huawei E220 a little more.

I used my laptop and drove around and no matter where I went, it never picked up the AT&T tower. I even drove right past the tower, and it never picked it up at all. However, it has picked up the T-Mobile towers all over the area.

As I said, the device lost the ability to use the AT&T tower the day they upgraded to 4G.

I have a powered USB hub, so "power" isn't an issue here. My phone also has 4 bars (out of 5) where I'm sitting, on AT&T.

The problem isn't with signal, or power, or the carrier, it's the Huawei E220.

Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Ok! Just one last try with this:

Google for this program - MDMA

Mobile Data Monitoring Aplication

With this software you will be able to monitor the status of you modem!

Why i'm telling you this!

With MDMA you can confirgure Modem to work specificly with a certain frequency, or all!

See if with your 4G SIM CARD, all frequencies (except 4G, that doesn't exist on huawei) are enabled! If not, check all and aply. See the result. You are not going to damage the modem. Only activating (possibly) other working frequencies!

Do this, install this program here is the url

I'm not giving up! I can't believe that chaging a cell network to an higher platform, makes an 3G device stop working!

Another thing! 4G LTE works only with data package! Not GSM! If you make a phone call or SMS, it works under GSM!

I'm not telling that you are wrong!

I just can't believe!

Here in Portugal we have 4G network - I'm on a 4G network and working wtih 2 Huawei E220 & Huawei E1550.

I'll rest my case!

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
I've done as you stated and it showed 3G Prefered was selected, and all bands were enabled, however it never connects to anything.

It never wants to acknowledge AT&T's towers, but it shows T-Mobile.

I have two of these, they are both unlocked, and both are doing the exact same thing.

My only other option is to order a totally different device that will allow me to use SMS on my server, on AT&T's network.

Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
I'm not bodering you more with this, but this is my last statement, and i will not talk about it anymore.

As I sad in my previous posts, we have GSM for basic call and SMS service. And i wrote that 3G and 4G are complements of a GSM network.

So to give you an answer about a new device to buy, I went to AT&T's web site and found an 4G modem. Now look the specs that it has:

Wireless Technology

4G-LTE Band 2, 4, 5 and 17

4G HSPA+ HSPA+ with enhanced backhaul

3G - UMTS 850/1900/2100MHz

GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900MHz

GPS compatiable

Mobile Hotspot Up to 10 devices (Windows® 7 users only via connection client)

HUAWEI E220 has 2 of those lines pasted. starting by 3G and GPRS!

My conclusion is pointing to SIM CARD.
Take your modem to an AT&T's store, ask for SIM CARD swap.

And another conclusion! IT's not your huawei modem. Is the sim card.

Based on what you wrote
It never wants to acknowledge AT&T's towers, but it shows T-Mobile.

So the modem works, otherwise it wouldn't search any network.

Best regards and all of luck to solve the problem!

« Last edit by MareAlta on Fri Oct 04, 2013 23:27, 133 months ago. »
Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
I'm aware how the networks work, and the frequencies.

The problem isn't with the SIM as it works in multiple other devices AND other AT&T SIMs don't work.

I dunno what more I can do or say.

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
Okay, so I decided to get the E368 which actually works, however after it runs for about 30-45 minutes it stops functioning...

This is in the log:

2013-10-15 16:01:28,6, GSM1: No SMS received
2013-10-15 16:01:39,6, GSM1: Checking device for incoming SMS
2013-10-15 16:01:39,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2013-10-15 16:01:39,7, GSM1: -> AT
2013-10-15 16:01:39,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-15 16:01:44,7, GSM1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 1.
2013-10-15 16:01:44,7, GSM1: <-
2013-10-15 16:01:44,7, GSM1: ->
2013-10-15 16:01:44,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-15 16:01:49,7, GSM1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 2.
2013-10-15 16:01:49,7, GSM1: <-
2013-10-15 16:01:49,7, GSM1: -> AT
2013-10-15 16:01:49,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-15 16:01:54,7, GSM1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 3.
2013-10-15 16:01:54,7, GSM1: <-
2013-10-15 16:01:55,7, GSM1: ->
2013-10-15 16:01:55,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-15 16:02:00,7, GSM1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 4.
2013-10-15 16:02:00,7, GSM1: <-
2013-10-15 16:02:00,7, GSM1: -> AT
2013-10-15 16:02:00,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-15 16:02:05,7, GSM1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 5.
2013-10-15 16:02:05,7, GSM1: <-
2013-10-15 16:02:05,7, GSM1: ->

Aug 2013
Location: IL, United States of America
Topic owner
2013-10-16 00:12:22,6, GSM1: Checking device for incoming SMS
2013-10-16 00:12:22,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2013-10-16 00:12:22,7, GSM1: -> AT
2013-10-16 00:12:22,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:23,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-10-16 00:12:23,6, GSM1: Pre-initializing modem
2013-10-16 00:12:23,7, GSM1: -> ATE0+CMEE=1;+CREG=2
2013-10-16 00:12:23,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:23,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-10-16 00:12:23,6, GSM1: Initializing modem
2013-10-16 00:12:23,7, GSM1: -> AT^SYSCFG=13,1,3FFFFFFF,1,2
2013-10-16 00:12:23,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:24,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-10-16 00:12:24,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2013-10-16 00:12:24,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:24,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 19,99 OK
2013-10-16 00:12:24,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (19,99) -75 dBm (Good), Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable
2013-10-16 00:12:24,6, GSM1: Checking if Modem is registered to the network
2013-10-16 00:12:24,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2013-10-16 00:12:24,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:25,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,1, 520C, D0C1 OK
2013-10-16 00:12:25,6, GSM1: Modem is registered to the network
2013-10-16 00:12:25,6, GSM1: Selecting PDU mode
2013-10-16 00:12:25,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGF=0
2013-10-16 00:12:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:25,7, GSM1: <- OK
2013-10-16 00:12:25,6, GSM1: Checking memory size
2013-10-16 00:12:25,7, GSM1: -> AT+CPMS?
2013-10-16 00:12:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2013-10-16 00:12:30,7, GSM1: put_command expected (\+CPMS:.*OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 1.
2013-10-16 00:12:30,7, GSM1: <-
2013-10-16 00:12:30,6, GSM1: Command failed.
2013-10-16 00:12:30,6, GSM1: No SMS received (reading interrupted)
2013-10-16 00:12:41,6, GSM1: Checking device for incoming SMS
2013-10-16 00:12:41,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2013-10-16 00:12:41,7, GSM1: -> AT

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