I am relatively new in the VoIP / GSM world since I have set an asterisk server on my Raspberry Pi about 4 months ago thanks to awesome videos from the VoIP guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMQfSsO1da4&list=PLnzEbgyK52Gu9fdVDHburrsG3KBIntXFK
I am now studying in England and to avoid paying roaming fees when using my mobile phone number, I have installed the SIM card in a 3G USB Dongle, connected to my Raspberry Pi and to asterisk.
It works like a charm, I am able to call and be called using a softphone on my computer.
However, sending and receiving SMS doesn't work quite well with chan_dongle, so I decided to install smstools to do this job.
As you probably imagine, there is quite a conflict between the two pieces of software: it seems that smstools is trying to initialize the modem (or I don't know what), when chan_dongle has already done so.
So, when smstools is runnng, I get a lot of these messages in the log file of asterisk:
Also, having a look at the logs of smstools, I have:
As you probably imagine, smstools fails to send SMS messages / receive SMS since it looks that it doesn't consider the modem as initialized.
Here is the basic (relevant) configuration that I had set for smstools:
Note that I am sure of the value of the "device" parameter.
So, my question is the following: has anyone already managed to make smstools work with chan_dongle, at the same time?
Or are there any option that I haven't seen to do so?
Operating system name and version: Debian Wheezy
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E160
Interface: USB
A pic of my Pi with the modem, for the fun: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19626172/RPi_3.jpg