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sms3 failure once (seems modem wasn't aswering)

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Author Post
Oct 2010
Location: New Caledonia
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 12.04.5 x64 3.2.0-105-generic
Version of smsd: Smsd v3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: FALCOM TANGO 55
Interface: serial to USB

Well, after nearly 8 years of good services, sms3 has failed once today.
Despite to have setup a lot of automatic failure detection that restarts sms3 when needed, it wasn't enough today.
Here is the log when sms3 wasn't running correctly (better tell the modem wasn't answreing correctly):

Then after a sms3 stop and start, everything is back OK:

When modem wasn't answering to AT+CSQ , tests about sms3 state where running without problem:

What would be an option to detect this failure ?
Thanks in advance for your time.
(I think it is a sporadic failure, but I'd like to try to fix it)

Oct 2010
Location: New Caledonia
Topic owner
Just updated to v3.1.15 (seems I forgot to do it :( )

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Here is an option, taken from this post.



# $1 the keyword ALARM
# $2 a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
# $3 a time in the format hh:mm:ss
# $4 the alarm severity (1 digit number)
# $5 the modem name or SMSD
# $6 the alarm text

echo "$2 $3,$4, $5: $6" >> $LOG

if echo -n "$6" | grep "Modem is not ready to answer commands" >/dev/null; then

  if [ ! -f $CONTROLFILE ]
    DATE=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"`
    echo "${DATE},1, $5: Alarmhandler created request for reset." >> $LOG
    echo "APPLICATION RESET 358401111111 $5 $DATE" > $CONTROLFILE
'bash' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Create a cron job which regularly checks the existence of CONTROLFILE, and deletes it and restarts the smsd when required.

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