Registered: May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
This kind of pre-configuration is not possible. If you define 64 modems, but there is only one connected, there will be 63 processes which will fail in initializing, lot of errors are produced to the log file and last there will be lot of processes in the state "<defunct>". This sounds not good.
With smsd version 3.1.5 you can define most common values for the modems using [default] section in the smsd.conf file. Usually a device line is the only setting which differs for each modem.
Somebody has to edit smsd.conf, and if it's not a customer, you should do it before smsd is started. There is a startup script /etc/init.d/sms3 available and this script should be used to start and stop the smsd anyways. In some systems this script may be named as init.d/smstools. Modify this script to detect connected modems, for example using wvdialconf, and replace devices line in the smsd.conf before starting a daemon.