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SMSTools auto creates Backup folder and move all messages

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Author Post
Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Operating system name and version: CENTOS7
Version of smsd: Last Version using Yum installer
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E169
Interface: USB

Here is my config file
devices = GSM91, GSM92
logfile = /var/log/smsd/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
user = smstools

# 3.1.5 introduced smart logging
# once your configuration is OK, set log level lower (5 is good in most cases)
smart_logging = yes
infofile = /run/smsd/smsd.working
pidfile = /run/smsd/

logfile = /var/log/smsd/smsd.log
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent

#delaytime = 10
incoming_utf8 = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes
autosplit = 5
receive_before_send = yes
national_prefixes = +351

device = /dev/ttyUSB0
#imei = 35xxxxxxxxxxx
#imsi = 268xxxxxxxxxx
init = AT+CPMS="SM","SM","SM";+CNMI=2,0,0,2,1
incoming = yes
report = yes
smsc = +35193121314
baudrate = 19200

device = /dev/ttyUSB3
#imei = 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#imsi = 26xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
init = AT+CPMS="SM","SM","SM";+CNMI=2,0,0,2,1
incoming = yes
report = yes
smsc = +35193121314
baudrate = 19200

2024-03-29 12:23:31,6, GSM91: Used memory is 1 of 30
2024-03-29 12:23:31,6, GSM91: Trying to get stored message 0
2024-03-29 12:23:31,7, GSM91: -> AT+CMGR=0
2024-03-29 12:23:31,7, GSM91: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2024-03-29 12:23:31,7, GSM91: <- +CMGR: 0,,31 07915391131213F4240C915391634325330000423092213262000DD4F29C5E0691CBA069730A02 OK
2024-03-29 12:23:31,5, GSM91: SMS received, From: 351xxxxxxxxx
2024-03-29 12:23:31,6, GSM91: Wrote an incoming message file: /var/spool/sms/incoming/GSM91.VQYBSj
2024-03-29 12:23:31,6, GSM91: Deleting message 0

SMSD works fine with modems!
When receiving SMS, PlaySMS can't find incoming SMS

I've checked SMS folders and have a "backup" folder created by smstools.
I've already erased, but when I restart "smsd restart", it auto creates backup folder again!

PlaySMS can send SMS, and its going well but can't catch all incoming messages!
They disapear from incoming folder and are automaticly moved to Backup Folder.

Thanks in advance fro any help

Best Regards
Rui Silva

Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Topic owner
After re-installing PlaySms, messages are not going anymore to Backup folder!

But, PlaySMS can't catch/read incoming SMS! The incoming SMS is now on incoming folder as it should be! But PlaySMS does notinhg!

One note for SMSD

File mode creation mask: 022 (0644, rw-r--r--)

Shouldn't be 775?

Best Regards
Rui Silva

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